An 18+ collaborative event to celebrate TodoKiriBaku in the BNHA fandom! Thank you for your interest in this event. Any and all support is appreciated.

To Us, With Love is a BNHA bang event focused on the bonds of love and affection between Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, and Bakugou Katsuki.


A bang is an event that pairs artists, writers, and betas together to create content for a series, ship, or theme. Unlike zines, there is no physical final product or limitations around the format of works created. There is also no limit to the number of participants.
There is no previous bang experience required, and the event is open to all Todokiribaku enthusiasts—if you've ever wanted to start creating your own content in fandom, this is a great opportunity to learn in a safe and friendly space!

Interest CheckAug 18 - Sept 1
Mod ApplicationsAug 18 - Sept 1
Contributor Sign UpsSept 4 - Sept 25
Beta Sign UpsSept 4 - Oct 7
Pinch Hitter Sign UpsSept 4 - Nov 19
SubmissionsOct 1 - Oct 7
Preview PeriodOct 8 - Oct 9
ClaimsOct 10 - Oct 13
Teams AnnouncedOct 15
Creation PeriodOct 16 - Feb 2
Check In #1 (ideas/outlines)Nov 17 - Nov 24
Check In #2 (~25%)Dec 8 - Dec 15
Drop DeadlineDec 15
Check In #3 (~50%)Jan 5 - Jan 12
Final Check In (Complete/Final Touches)Jan 26 - Feb 2
PreviewsFeb 1 - Feb 6
Posting PeriodFeb 14 - Feb 18


Writers: create a new completed piece featuring TodoKiriBaku based on artwork created by their assigned writer.
The minimum word count is 2,000 (2K).
Artists: create art featuring TodoKiriBaku.
The minimum art requirement is cleanly lined, flat colors, with a simple background.
Betas: support your team with proofreading and encouragement!
(Betas will never be required to read more than the minimum mandatory word count.)
Pinch Hitter: Back-up content creator in case someone drops out (all positions)Feel free to sign up as a pre-established writer/artist (and beta) team!


(Participants can sign up without having filled out the Interest Check)- Writer and Artist sign-ups will take place from
September 4 to September 25
- Beta sign-ups will be from September 4 to October 7- Pinch-Hitter sign-ups will last from
September 4 to November 19


Any content involving romantic relations between Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugou
are welcome!
SFW, NSFW, Problematic, or Dead Dove; so long as all three parties are in some way romantically and/or sexually together.Permitted:
Kirishima is dating Bakugou and Bakugou is also dating Todoroki.
Not Permitted:
Todoroki and Kirishima are dating monogamously and Bakugou is their best friend.


There is no selection process involved, so everyone is welcome to sign up—no previous event experience required!Once the sign-up period for Writers and Artists is over, art concepts will be submitted for claims. Participants will choose their top three (3) choices to work with based on rough sketches. The moderator team will pair Writers, Artists, and Betas together—matches will be announced on Discord.Then it's time to create!There will be three (3) check-ins and a final deadline. Each Team will be asked to select a posting date during the week of February 14th - 18thAll collaborative works will be posted in our AO3 Collection and promoted on our
Twitter page. Works are required to credit both the team artist and beta.


Direct any questions not answered by the guidelines to us via twitter DMs or on our Retrospring linked in the header above. We'd be more than happy to answer you!

Our mods are working hard to bring you the best event possible!
Take a moment to get to know each one and feel free to give them a follow on their respective social accounts!


  • Cam Star Heroes Zine as
    Guest Writer

  • Adamantine Zine as
    Guest Writer

  • Touch Starved Zine as
    Guest Writer

  • ZappyCat Zine as Writer

  • Discord Head Mod in Goo'd
    Kitchen Server


KrBk crushing mad hard on this delightful dumbass together and being too awkward to nut up and say something for ages until one of them blurts out a come-on or date suggestion and Shouto simply rolls with it and falls in love.


  • Kacchako Big Bang as Mini-Mod

  • Kacchako Advent as General Mod

  • Firecracker Bang as Discord Mod

  • Baku Flash Bang as Social
    Media Mod

  • Kacchako365 as Social Media Mod

  • Discord Mod in Goo'd
    Kitchen Server


Todoroki will get Bakugou in trouble with Kirishima by antagonizing him so Bakugou blows up, resulting in Kirishima's stern voice™️


  • Cam Star Heroes Zine as Mini-Mod

  • Bottom Kiri Bang as Writer

  • Goo'd Vibes Books Graphics, Formatting, & Beta Mod

  • Discord mod in Goo'd Kitchen Server


Bakugou and Kirishima shower Todoroki with the love and affection he deserves, helping him overcome his trauma responses.


  • Head Mod for Runway Naha: A Fashion-Focused Sk8 Zine

  • Art Mod for Like A Festival: A MatchaLoveBlossom Zine

  • Art Mod & Discord Mod for Garden Of Eden: An Eden Zine

  • Co-Mod & Artist for the Tadashi Kikuchi Reverse Bang

  • Head Mod for Tie The Knot Big Bang 2022

  • Writer for Chigiri Bowl 2023

  • Writer for Rin Bowl 2023


They get together thanks to a huge misunderstanding at a hotel/in the dorms... And there's ONLY. ONE. BED.


  • new to BNHA fandom events

  • Managing multiple art exchange events

  • Handled large scale (3000+ members) community trade politics management for ARPGs

  • Over a decade's experience running freelance schedules, with a smattering of website admin work.


Started out as FWB, but Kiri was the first one to catch feelings and fess up. Now they all bicker over what to get for takeout.


All participants must be 18+ by the interest check date in order to join the discord server and create content for this event.
Any participant found to be underage will be removed from the event immediately.


This event is a safe space for everyone. We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to any instances of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, hate speech, anti-shipping, kink shaming, or bullying of any kind.This event is pro-content and will not tolerate any hate regarding certain dynamics or themes in works created for this event.


We strongly discourage any participant from sharing WIPs of their fanworks for this bang outside the bang server until the date of posting arrives. Keep information to your teams to build up that excitement and anticipation properly!

We know you're excited to see all these submissions! We've broken it down into content categories so feel free to check out the submissions under the categories you're comfortable with writing/beta'ing for.  We look forward to seeing which ones steal your heart the most!As a note, we have made minor spelling/punctuation changes to avoid any "tells" of which artist is which and improve flow of information. All summaries are otherwise untouched.


Predicted Art Rating: SFW (G + T)
Potential Fic Rating(s): SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E)
TWs: Past abuse; agency issues (robot character; previously 'owned' by his creators)
Tags: Sci-Fi/Fantasy AU; Android Todoroki Shouto; Mechanic Bakugo Katsuki; Getting Together; Todoroki Enji's Bad Parenting; Introspection; Character focused
Background Ship(s): Author's choice
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
TLDR: Mechanic!Katsuki and his BF Kirishima find and repair android!Shouto, and together they teach him how to live freely.
While exploring junk yards and back alleys for anything his mechanic boyfriend can use for parts, Kirishima stumbles across a near-intact android abandoned among the trash. After hauling him home and a little tinkering from Bakugo, they now have a very advanced android on their hands.But Shouto is quiet and cagey. He seems intent on suppressing his own abilities, acting like a much less intelligent piece of machinery and denying his ability to feel anything.Through living and working with Bakugo and Kirishima, he slowly comes out of his shell, opens up about his past, and becomes his own person. Meanwhile BkKr struggle between wanting to give Shouto freedom and the fact they've been falling in love with him the whole time.Additional Notes:
Author's choice of top/bottom dynamics and BG ships.
Pitching this as a sci-fi story, but open for it to be written as more fantasy/fairy tale vibe instead if you're feeling that (living doll Todo instead of robot.) Plot is very character focused, so it's flexible about the kind of sci-fi/fantasy setting you wanna write.Plot will only hit G/T rating, but I'm open to writers adding mature/explicit scenes if they wish.


Predicted Art Rating: SFW (G + T)
Potential Fic Rating(s): SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E)
TWs: Major Character Injury; Blood; graphic injury (not drawn graphically but I have no problem with it being described that way); war/canon typical violence; medical supplies/procedures; hospitals; near death experiences; trauma; potential PTSD for any of them if you want to explore recovery too; feel free to throw in any smut
Tags: Angst; Heavy Angst' Major Character Injury; Canon-typical Violence; Hospitals; medical procedures; three idiots and they are all in love; near death experience; Canon-divergent; M/M/M; (any relevant smut tags if applicable); Hurt/Comfort; getting together or established relationship; Angst with a happy ending
Background Ship(s): Any! Although if you want to include Hawks I’d prefer Dabi/Hawks to Endeavor/Hawks. No background ships or characters are necessary though.
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
In the middle of battle, the heroes are losing and the city is up in flames, tdkrbk need to get the fuck out of there like now. All looking for each other, Kat and Kiri both think Shouto is right behind them, but Kat realises he isn’t. They turn around to see he got separated from them and has been struck by an arrow piercing through his chest; all very dramatic, super angst, world shattering shock, and horror ensues and Kiri has to hold Kat back from rushing into the hail of arrows himself. Think Shouto is dead, but find out later he was miraculously saved/found and is in the hospital but it’s still super touch and go. All the angst and will he die or won’t he, but in the end he’s saved in some miraculous way beyond the scope of my imagination and it’s a happy ending, albeit with everyone significantly more traumatised.
Can you tell I’m terrible at summaries? The sketch pretty much sums it up, the rest is all just my attempt at turning it into some kind of story.Additional Notes:
Given the general angst and near death etc I would think the rating should be M/E or at least Teen&up. Certain DNWs (do not wants) when it comes to major character death and particular dead-dove tropes like super explicit body mutilation, infidelity, non-con or wound/scat/medical play if there’s smut but generally I’m pretty good with anything!


Projected Art Rating: SFW (G + T)
Potential Fic Ratings: SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E)
TWs: none
Tags: fluff; clothes stealing
Background Ship(s): Author's choice
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
Todoroki caught stealing his boyfriends' clothes, ones they wear a lot/were looking for, and amidst the frantic search they discover they're not missing, just occupied.
from there, my primary ideas were;- goofing off "spite stealing" each others clothes, ill fitting outfit dorkiness, maybe some light ribbing. assumes they live together, or that they've packed bags for visits.- "yeah they look great on you but the floor would wear them better" segue into them fuckin'.That said I'm open to a lot, if you have a better idea lay it on me, I'm not massively attached to either of these concepts.Additional Notes:
- Characters 20+ please!
- Todoroki would have to be a bit shorter/leaner than the other two for this to work.
- Problematic is only not here because I can't picture a way to take it that route without it plotholing the initial premise
- I'm not a fixed positions guy, put them wherever you want if you're going with horny
- Trans headcanons welcome!
No: underage, scat/fart, feet, heavy reference to mental institutions, ADBL/Ageplay (any kind, even sfw, sorry!). I also don't love Daddy kink, but if your pitch is interesting, I can run with it.I am quite enthusiastic about bangs, and I'll probably be quite active with talking about your writing, I won't try to coach unless asked but I'd love to see works in progress so I can chatter about your fic if you're okay with it.


Predicted Art Rating: SFW (G + T)
Potential Fic Rating(s): SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E)
TWs: references to past abuse, maybe light harassment
Tags: Urban Fantasy AU; Werewolf/Shifter Kirishima; Werewolf/Shifter Bakugo; Witch Todoroki; Slice of Life; Roommates; Getting Together; Protective Bakugo+Kirishima; Oblivious Todoroki; University/College AU; Fluff/Humour
Background Ship(s): Any
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
When first year witch Todoroki decides to move out of his father's house just a few weeks in to starting university, his new friend Midoriya gets him set up with two of his high school friends.
Bakugo and Kirishima are both werewolves/shifters, dancing around their own feelings for each other, but now they have a pretty new roommate in the mix too.So begins Baku and Kiri's friendly competition to lay claim on him and keep away any other creeps, while an oblivious Todoroki is just trying to figure out how to do his own laundry.Featuring:
- Scenting and clothes stealing!
- Todoroki not knowing how to wash dishes!
- Magic spell shenanigans!
- And so much dog fur all over this apartment.
Additional Notes:
Just a goofy fun time with this fic.
Open to any background ships, any dynamics. Very keen to have some fun sexy scenes, but absolutely not a requirement.


Predicted Art Rating: SFW (G + T)
Potential Fic Rating(s): SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E), Problematic
TWs: Blood, and probably bone if I can hack it; Wounds
Tags: Kiri Cracking; Angst, the more better; Hurt/Comfort; Ouch; Explosions; Unconscious Todoroki; Canonverse; Building x Crater
Background Ship(s): N/A. Up to writer's discretion of how the fic turns out (M/M ships)
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
The three heroes were fighting a battle. A building exploded and Shouto was caught under the rubble after being knocked unconscious. Kirishima tries to keep the building up to keep his lover from getting hurt more, but he starts cracking and he comes to the realisation that he can't keep the building up for much longer.
He starts getting worried, because Katsuki is busy at another villain attack downtown, but when the building starts falling and Kirishima crumbles, Katsuki comes flying in because he heard about Kirishima and Shouto over the comms. He pulls Shouto out and Kirishima can come out safely. Bakugou carries Shouto on his back to the mobile hospital set up, but he doesn't notice that Kirishima isn't behind him until he looks back to see his lover pinned and sees their long-time rival, Shigaraki, standing on the outskirts of the battle with a smirk on his face.Additional Notes:
Honestly, go ham on this. Write the before scene, write the after scene. I'm fine with most, if not all, tags and warnings. And if you can find a way to work smut into the fic? Amazing, fantastic.
DNWs: Emeto, scat, piss, feminisation, gender-bending, gender swaps, MCD, No aftercare, insects, cheating


Predicted Art Rating: SFW (G + T)
Potential Fic Rating(s): SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E)
TWs: N/A
Tags: Fluff
Background Ship(s): N/A
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
The boys all come home together for the first time in a long time. What will they do for the evening?
Additional Notes:
I am okay with a NSFW fic with my SFW drawing, but just no problematic material. I also like the Kirishima being like the small spoon or just the overall most pampered in the relationship.


Projected Art Rating: NSFW (M + E)
Potential Fic Rating(s): NSFW (M + E)
Tags: submissive Kirishima; bondage/BDSM; broken BDSM gear
Background Ship(s): Author's choice
Story Idea Behind Sketch:
The squad want to restrain Kirishima, spreader bar, collar, and cuffs...which he keeps getting too excited about and breaking the connectors/chain for.
They can either continue without, or find new and exciting ways to keep those riotous hands steadied.Additional Notes:
- 20+ for these guys!
- I'm not a fixed shipper
- Trans headcanons welcome!
No: underage, scat/fart, feet, heavy reference to mental institutions, ADBL/Ageplay (any kind, even sfw, sorry!). I also don't love Daddy kink, but if your pitch is interesting, I can run with it.I am quite enthusiastic about bangs, and I'll probably be quite active with talking about your writing, I won't try to coach unless asked but I'd love to see works in progress so I can chatter about your fic if you're ok with it.


Predicted Art Rating: NSFW (M + E)
Potential Fic Rating(s): NSFW (M + E)
TWs: Explicit
Tags: Angel / Devil; Angel Todoroki; Devil Katsuki; Devil Kirishima; Smut; threesome
Background Ships(s): N/A
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
I drew our three boys having a merry old time. Bakugo and Kirishima teaching Todoroki about the pleasures of sex! Consequences be damned.
Additional Notes:
I'm good with everything. No hold bar. Just here for a good time!


Predicted Art Rating: NSFW (M + E)
Potential Fic Rating(s): NSFW (M + E)
TWs: Ghosts; Dead Character; Ghost Sex; Explicit
Tags: NSFW; Ghost Sex; M/M/M; Threesome but one of them is a ghost; Dead Todoroki Shouto (but it's okay because he's still very much involved just in a spectral way); Hey Google, what should I do if my boyfriend and I are in love with a ghost?; any others that apply; NSFW
Background Ship(s): Not applicable / don’t mind
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
Just me, my boyfriend, & our ghost.
Just pure sexy threesome ghost smut (+ any additional ‘how to be in a throuple with a ghost stuff' because they all love each other too, if you wanna explore that but not necessary)Additional Notes:
- problematic
- dead dove
Otherwise I’m good, just don’t want problematic/dead dove content.


Predicted Art Rating: NSFW (M + E) (but open to any art rating with writer preference)
Potential Fic Rating(s): SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E), Problematic
TWs: Fem Bakugou Katsuki; other CW/TW—Potential, willing to work around Writer preferences
Tags: Adults—Sometime into an established relationship; Something sweet and sentimental but can go into NSFW, to be discussed with Writer; Fem Bakugou; Sappy Shouto; Silly and Emotionally Supportive Ejirou; Happy to include others into a larger growing Polycule—can be discussed
Manga Spoilers? Unsure
Background Ships: Open to discuss
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
It was the time of year Shouto loved most. Pretty petals blowing in the breeze, soft wafts of nature, a gentle sunlight to appreciate. Even more so when it made little copper speckles appear across Katsuki’s nose. She was stunning in the light of Spring. Eijirou was similar, though his tanned muscles left him parched more than anything. They were radiant, playing in the fields, acting more like silly teenagers than the adults they were. It was lovely.
Shouto had spent years trying to understand people, to see what the average person saw when they looked upon a scene. But this wasn’t an image for others, this was just the three of them, at their most comfortable—just being together. Katsuki would not let her guard down for anyone but a few outside of he and Eijirou, she struggled to trust. That was a sentiment Shouto could understand and relate to. Eijirou didn’t have that kind of problem, he was always so effervescent; grinning and showing the two of them how to find joy in the things neither had learned about or known to appreciate. He was their angel.The fact that either had decided to give him a chance, especially when he could clearly see they would have thrived in a relationship without him as a part—it was something he knew not to take for granted. He lay here watching as they played, trying to memorize the sight of them carefree and joyful—never tire of it. Hopefully it would be a thing he could count on as they continued to grow together, to share this quiet life in happiness.Additional Notes:
NSFW to Problematic can be discussed, but I would prefer no Non-Con/Underage/etc for this piece. Something more light and fluffy—or sensual and romantic is fine. A heavy plot is okay, just do not want to see the trio in pain for this one at the end if that is alright.


Predicted Art Rating: Problematic
Potential Fic Rating(s): SFW (G + T), NSFW (M + E), Problematic
TWs: CW/TW—Potential, willing to work around Writer; Forced Relationship; Dub-con/Non-con; Stockholm and other Psychological Elements; NSFW—Torture; Imprisonment; Manipulation; Things of this nature; Stalking; Drugging
Tags: Fantasy AU; Prince Todoroki Shouto; Knight Kirishima Eijirou—Perhaps Dragon Shifter/Kin?; King Bakugou Katsuki; Rival Kingdoms—Tension; Obsession; Unhealthy Fixation and Behaviours; Toxic Relationship; Previous Relationship/Exes; Lovers to Enemies to Prisoners to Lovers; Bakugou Katsuki is Mentally Unstable; Maybe he has good reasons to be
Story Idea(s) Behind Sketch:
This is largely flexible. A Mafia AU or Villain Katsuki could work here as well.
It had taken ages, trying to get these two in his grasp. But he had been patient, played the long game. Taken joy in the hunt. Finally, it had all paid off. Bounties had been placed across the realm for the Todoroki Prince, and his loyal Knight. No one had been able to get to them. Months and months Katsuki had been left to wait, hoping for news. Many of his men had met unpleasant ends for the lackluster results, the pathetic excuses.He hadn’t dared step out to bring them in himself, knowing it could start a feud between the kingdoms, but his last disappointment had left him more than a little frustrated, and if you want a job done right…Wearing a dark cloak and mask, blending into a crowd of hundreds for the local Walpurgis festival, he had watched from a crumbled corner of a blacksmith’s forge. The sight of the red-haired warrior had caught his notice first. Ensnared him. The broad shoulders and the deep cut of his torso, it was beautiful underneath all that armor and luxurious textiles. He saw the hint of a bite mark on his clavicle, Shoto had always been a biter.And wasn’t he a vision in his ceremonial attire. Still dressed down so as to avoid looking too similar to his father and the rest of the snooty regals. But more beautiful for it. The subtle curve of his waist, tall and lean. Hair was quite a bit shorter than he had last seen it. Maybe he didn’t like the way Eijirou pulled on it when it went down to his waist. Never complained when Katsuki was the one doing it. That’s alright, he could show the red-head how their Prince liked it.Now that they were finally home, or close enough, they could go back to how they were before all this nonsense. The dungeons were a practical choice anyways. They were going to need a lot of time to think about how to make this entire endeavor up to him. Katsuki wasn’t mad about the fortune spent—ultimately wasted as a few drops of a simple tincture were all it had taken to have them practically following him home like loyal dogs once more. They would really need to have a talk about leaving their drinks unattended like that, it wasn’t safe.Whatever, getting them back was all that really mattered, and he had. They would have to relearn their manners, and the flinching would need to go—that was annoying. But it was fine. They had all the time in the world to get comfortable with his touch again, it had been too long perhaps. Whatever.For now, he could take a step back and appreciate the results—them back. Some tiny little fight wasn’t really worth all these dramatics if you asked Katsuki, but they did always like a good chase, so he would forgive them. It would be worth it to find comfort in their warm arms and soft touches after so long without it.Additional Notes:Ratings are pretty open, but please—No Underage, No Urology, No Vore or things like that. I will absolutely hear out any ideas, and am willing to adjust the art to fit how NSFW/Problematic the Writer wants to go.

Below is the claims form! We've made it easier to reference the sketch summaries while completing your claim by embedding the form here. If you experience any issues and would prefer to have the form open in a separate tab, you can do so here.   Please Note: if you have difficulties filling out the form while on mobile, you may need to wait until you are at a desktop or fill out the form in a separate mobile tab.WARNING: CLAIMS ARE FINAL AND CANNOT BE EDITED. YOU WILL RECEIVE A COPY OF YOUR CLAIM FORM TO THE EMAIL PROVIDED. IF SOMETHING ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO BE CHANGED, PLEASE REACH OUT TO THE MODS IN THE DISCORD SERVER.